
West Central Michigan News

Friday, December 27, 2024

124 West Bellevue House Demolition Bid


City of Big Rapids recently issued the following announcement.


124 W. Bellevue Ave. House Demolition

The City of Big Rapids is requesting sealed bids for a home demolition, that will adhere to the specifications of this Bid Specification. A detailed plan and Physical Job Specifications may be obtained in the Public Works Office or by downloading it here.   City Hall Engineering Office located at Big Rapids City Hall, 226 N. Michigan Ave. Big Rapids, MI 49307.

All Bids shall follow the City of Big Rapids requirements of a sealed bid, placed within a sealed envelope submitted to the City of Big Rapids Treasury Department on (Monday, November 1st @2:00 p.m. E.S.T).

It is the intent of the City to award the contract to the lowest and most qualified bidder whose price and qualifications cause its bid to be considered the best and most responsive bid. The City reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive minor irregularities, or take such other actions regarding acceptance or rejection of bids and bid alternates as it deems, in its sole discretion, will serve the public interest.

All proposals shall be clearly marked "BID FOR 124 W. Bellevue Ave House Demolition". The City of Big Rapids reserves the right to accept or reject all or any bids or to waive informalities, and to award the bid in any manner deemed to be in the best interest of the City.

Heather Bowman, Public Works Director

Original source can be found here.