Hundreds of City government computers recently replaced for newer models will be completely refurbished and distributed for free to Detroit families in need of technology and access to the Internet, thanks to a partnership between the City and nonprofit human-I-T.
There were two professional licenses issued in Osceola during July, an increase over the previous month, according to data provided by Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
City of Ludington will conduct a closeout public hearing on August 22, 2022 at 6:00pm at City Hall for the purpose of affording citizens an opportunity to submit comments and hear a final report on the completion of the Legacy Plaza CDBG grant.
4th Grade – Individual Student Supply List: 2 Mead composition books, 1 set of headphones, 1 package markers, 2 black Sharpies, crayons or colored pencils, pencil box or zippered pouch, and a reusable water bottle.