Local Initiatives Support Corporation’s Detroit office (LISC Detroit) and developer Hazelwood Partners LLC announced that renovation has begun on two historic buildings in Detroit’s Piety Hill neighborhood that will bring 87 units of new affordable housing to the city.
To protect public health, the City of Flint, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy continue to recommend that Flint residents use faucet filters that are certified to remove lead until residential lead service line replacement is completed citywide, emphasizing that bottled water has no health benefits over filtered tap water.
The City of Big Rapids is seeking vendors to supply and install the below manufacturers equipment, or fully equivalent equipment, at the Big Rapids Public Safety Department.
The Human Relations Commission's Navigating Difficult Conversations series continues with Humility: The Quiet Power of an Ancient Virtue with Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren from Hope College.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released new updates to the National Broadband Map and is asking communities and individuals to verify its accuracy.
TAKE NOTICE that a Special Assessment roll has been prepared for the purpose of defraying the Special Assessment district’s share of the cost of the following described public improvements.
Flint residents are encouraged to apply for the Water Residential Assistance Program (WRAP)—a two-year program that provides assistance to eligible, low-income households through water bill credits, arrearage assistance, and water conservation assistance, such as minor plumbing repairs.
Adams Butzel Complex and Jack Adams Ice Arena will turn into a winter wonderland with tons of activities for WinterFest 2023 presented by Detroit Parks & Recreation.