
West Central Michigan News

Friday, December 27, 2024

Open Positions Available on Zoning Board of Appeals

Residents with a passion for zoning, land use policy, and community planning are encouraged to make a difference in the Midland community by applying for one of two open positions on the City’s Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Zoning Board of Appeals provides an administrative review, interpretation or exception to the Zoning Ordinance and authorizes variances as defined in the Zoning Ordinance and laws of the State of Michigan. Responsibilities include reviewing, hearing and deciding appeals, granting variances, approving temporary permits, and granting special approvals as specified by the Zoning Ordinance.

Two positions are currently open to applicants: One citizen-at-large alternate position with a term expiring June 30, 2023 and one citizen-at-large position with a term expiring June 30, 2025.

The ZBA meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. The citizen-at-large alternate position serves as needed when regular members are unable to attend a ZBA meeting. Terms last three years.

Applicants must be City of Midland residents. No previous experience or professional experience is required to serve; however, applicants must be able to attend the scheduled meetings. Any applicants who have previously applied for a board or commission vacancy are asked to submit a new application.

To apply, complete an application online at www.cityofmidlandmi.gov/zba and submit it by email to cityhall@midland-mi.org; by mail to City Hall, Attention: City Manager’s Office, 333 W. Ellsworth Street, Midland, MI 48640; or by placing the application inside an envelope and putting it into the secure drop box located inside the front doors of City Hall. Applications will be accepted continuously until all positions are filled with first consideration given to applicants who apply by September 16, 2022.

For questions or more information, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 989-837-3301.

Original source can be found here.